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I am 59 years old and a breast cancer survivor with a lot of issues (left shoulder; lower back; and Osteoarthritis in both knees).  My journey started two years ago.  I wanted to lose weight and was tired of the weight watchers kind of diets, bored of doing workout DVDs and going to the gym and not knowing how to properly use the equipment. 

 In January 2017, my massage therapist told me about her recent DXA scan and how it showed she had lost muscle mass.  She gave me a quick overview about body composition (percentage of muscle and fat) and the benefits of getting a DXA scan.  I immediately scheduled my first DXA scan and RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) test.  The results were eye opening (39.8 % body fat). I definitely needed to do a better job in tracking my food and I needed help with my workouts.  My world crashed just a few days later when I heard the dreaded words “YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER.” 

Fast forward two years, after five surgeries (which included lumpectomy, bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction, implant replacement and arthroscopic rotator cuff) my body was in bad shape – I had gained weight, I had lost significant muscle mass and strength.  After the mastectomy, I couldn’t even raise my arms (so painful).  After several rounds of physical therapy, I was ready to take my life back and begin my fitness journey. I started working on improving my nutrition, tracking my food and going back to the gym.  I hired a personal trainer that helped me with my mobility issues and functional training.  But, I wasn’t gaining muscle mass.  So, after my sessions were over I decided it was time to change trainers. 

 Diana was already working with my husband John and I was extremely impressed and amazed with the results accomplished in a short period of time.  My hubby developed defined arms and a six pack of abs at the young age of 60.  More importantly, he was loving his workouts.  I met with Diana and asked if she could work with me and warned her about all my issues and she smiled and said “don’t worry – I can help you.”

 There are no words to describe Diana’s passion in helping her clients succeed in their fitness journey.  She is not only your personal trainer but she is your fitness coach – she teaches you, guides you and motivates you to create a change not only physically but mentally.  Diana tailors the workouts to meet your needs, limitations and goals.  She is passionate about doing more than just designing a workout.  She makes working out challenging but FUN!  I’m always looking forward to the next workout.   

 After less than six weeks of working out with Diana and improved nutrition, I had another DXA scan and I lost 4.9 lbs. of body fat and gained 4.3 lbs. of muscle (I was SO HAPPY with the results).  My changes in my body composition has been a result of working with my amazing coach – Diana, who has pushed me, motivated me, guided me and taught me that I am stronger than I thought and that while I have so many issues and restrictions (no chest bearing exercises per breast surgeon) I can still accomplish my fitness goals.  For the first time in my life, I am able to do hip thrusts, sumo squats, dead lifts and box squats.  I have learned so much, my lower back feels better, my knees hurt less and best of all – I’m fitting into my dresses that have been hanging in my closet for years.

 I still have a lot more body fat to lose and muscle to gain but I’m on the right track and staying connected with my support team – my husband John and my trainer and Coach Diana - guarantees success. 

 Thank you SO MUCH Diana - you have changed my life.  I am STRONGER than ever because of YOU!

 If you want to lose fat and gain muscle – and have fun doing it – you need to join the D-Team! You need Coach Diana!

Diana's Fitness Lab, Hosted by "Exsurgo Strong & Fit"
21730 Red Rum Dr. #107 Ashburn, VA 20147

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